About Us...

We are ordinary people from various walks of life who are brought together through our love for the Lord Jesus and desire to get to know more about Him from His Word, the Bible.

We are independent of any central church or organisation. There are mature Christians (elders) in the church whose responsibility it is to guide and help, but it is Jesus Christ Himself who is Head of the Church.

As ‘Born again’ Christians, the fellowship at Littlemoor Gospel Chapel is our ‘church family’, bonded together by the love of Jesus.

We hope our church family will grow through others coming to know Jesus as their Saviour too. Anyone is welcome.

We believe that ....

There is one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator of everything and everyone ---(Gen.1:1).

The Bible is the revelation of God to humanity and is therefore the only authority for what we teach and practice ---(1Tim.3:16)

Jesus is God and that without giving up His deity the Lord Jesus became a true man, born of a virgin ---- (Isaiah 7:4)(1 Pet.2:22)

Jesus took the judgement of God for sin so that God could maintain His Holy and righteous character and yet still forgive our sin.--(Rom.3:23-24).

God raised up Jesus from the dead and He is alive today and forever --(Eph.1:20)

No person is good enough to meet God’s holy standards so each individual must personally place faith in Christ as their saviour in order to receive His forgiveness and be made fit for heaven (Acts 16:31), referred in the bible as being ‘born again’. --(John 3:3)

The Spirit of God indwells all born-again believers (Eph.1:13)

Jesus has commanded all Christians to be baptised (fully immersed in water) in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt.28:19-20, Acts 8:36-38).

God sent His Son to die for us, motivated by love (John 3:16) and that without love, religious activity is meaningless (1 Cor.13:2). We show we follow Christ, by our love for God and one another (John 13:35)

The responsibility for all judgment has been given to Jesus and everyone who has ever lived will give account to Him for the way they have lived their life. Those who have asked for forgiveness through Jesus will receive eternal life in Heaven with Him, and those who have not will suffer eternity in hell (the lake of fire) (Revelation 20:11-15).

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Colossians 2 : 6-7