Worship & Communion

Each Sunday morning service has a simple format, including singing hymns, being led in worship by our brothers in Christ, participating in Holy Communion and then Bible teaching. Anyone can come to it.
Visitors are welcome. There is no dress code.
The service, each Sunday morning, has a simple format, that includes singing hymns, being led in worship by our brothers in Christ, participating in Holy Communion and then Bible teaching. Anyone can come to it.
The Breaking of Bread, otherwise known as ‘Holy Communion’ is practised every week in obedience to the commandment of Jesus before He was crucified and in expectation of His return (Luke 22:17-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
It is an integral part of our worship and we invite all those who have by faith invited the Lord Jesus into their life involving a positive act on their behalf - what Jesus called being born again to participate in it.
We also expect everyone who participates to have examined themselves as to their spiritual fitness to do so (1 Corinthians 11:27:32). If anyone is not sure about whether to partake, we ask that they simply let the bread & wine pass by. They need not feel any embarrassment whatsoever, as heads will be bowed and we are all very pleased to have them with us.